Install or deploy any Java 8 with autoupdate off using MSI silent installer

Java is a pain in the *%% and so is the fact that Oracle only provides .EXE installers for Windows anymore.

So first, we need to get the .MSI file …

Step 1:

get the most recent .exe offline installer from the Oracle page by accepting the license agreement of the most recent version:

Step 2:

Extract the .MSI. You get the .MSI by starting the setup of the just downloaded file. The Oracle installer will put the .MSI in the following directory:

"C:\users\<your user>\Appdata\LocalLow\Oracle\Java\jre1.8.0_<build>"

where <build> is of course the number of the just downloaded java update.

Here you’ll find the msi file. Notice: The FOLDER is named after the architecture, not the file. Keep that in mind when copying the x86 and x64 to a same common folder.


Step 3:

Now that we have the .MSI, we can install Java using a commandline and directly setting some parameters like no update check, no autoupdate, web start etc. I use a commandline that works silently too (for deployments using SCCM for example) that doesn’t restart the machine afterwards. Don’t be confused when you see a progress bar when launching the command line manually.

Command line for version 8u74

msiexec /i jre1.8.0_74.msi /passive /norestart JU=0 JAVAUPDATE=0 AUTOUPDATECHECK=0 RebootYesNo=No WEB_JAVA=1


After the install you can check the registry to see that the updates are disabled at:

HKLM\Software\Javasoft\Java Runtime Environment\1.8.0_74\MSI

the keys AUTOUPDATE, JAVAUPDATE and JU are set to 0. Hooray!


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